4 Qualities of the Most Effective Leaders
4 Qualities of the Most Effective Leaders
- Grayson Goodman – Entrepreneur
Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories
By Yanatha Desouvre
1. Being Engaged – Active Listening
a. Grayson Goodman is often listening more than he talks
2. Encouraging
a. Grayson Goodman acknowledges that there are difficult times however he focuses the solutions and not who is to blame.
3. Positive Outlook
a. Grayson Goodman is often toasting “to greater days”
4. Empowering
a. Grayson Goodman focuses on the unique strength and values that everyone can bring to situation by empowering those around him.
“Goodman’s gift…is his ability to be uplifting. His interest in the ordinary is extraordinary” - Robert Watson Ph.D.
Back the work that encourages us all to be the best we can be.
For me information on the “Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories” project
check it out here